The Haircut Who Would Be King
Sick and Tired of the Stomach-Churning Antics of President Trump? Treat Yourself to an Antacid: Actor Robert Trebor’s Hilarious and Scathing Debut Novel, The Haircut Who Would Be King
The Haircut Who Would Be King
Written by: Robert Trebor
In The Haircut Who Would Be King, Trebor tells the story of “Donald D. Rump” and his comrade, “Vladimir Poutine.” Inspired by actual political events but wildly imaginative and exaggerated for comic effect, the novel follows its leading characters from their humble beginnings (Vladimir was born poor; Donnie was born stupid.) to their respective presidencies, with bizarre detours, audacious machinations, and plenty of scandals along the way. Featuring satiric portraits of familiar characters—Roy “King” Kong, sleazy lawyer; Stayne Bannan, CEO of BrightFog News; Julian Aashlonge, founder of Wakidrips; and Secretary of State Mallory Claxton among them—The Haircut Who Would Be King traces Rump’s race for the White House, pumped up by crowds chanting his slogan, “Make America Grate Again.”Back in Russia, Poutine has huge plans of his own for America’s future—and a dirty secret that makes him the boss of Rump. How it all ends is pretty nasty and really funny.
Think House of Cards wrapped up in Monty Python on the way to Dr. Strangelove.